Friday, December 11, 2009

Favorite Thing #3

Hating on Valentines Day.

I know, I know ... its ironic for me to hate something that's supposed to be all about love. But hear me out on this one. Everyone knows the basic reasons my fellow Valentines Day haters claim ... how if you love someone you should show them love every day, how Hallmark has commercialized love, and how people think Valentines Day is an excuse for PDA. Okay, so the last one isn't really one of the common reasons to dislike Valentines Day, it just peeves me. This may make me sound like a bitter old hag, but I'm all for love and affection as the biggest Valentines Day advocate out there.

Some people love Valentines Day and all its mushiness, but I think it just isn't for me. I live for the little everyday things that occur ... when he tugs on my arm so I'll hold his hand and he can rest on my shoulder, when we chase each other with our freezing cold hands to annoy the other person, or when we whine for the other person's attention ... just for the heck of it. I don't think there needs to be a reason other than you love the person. You don't need Valentines Day to show a person you care - you can show it many other ways, every minute of every day.