Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Favorite Thing #4


Not the life changing type of blunders, but the type of blunders where all you can say is "doh". These are the moments where you look back and say, "wow, what happened." The moments where everything just happened in the wrong sort of way. Now, looking back, its actually quite amusing. =D

- In second grade I peeled off all the stickers to the rubix cube (because I was bored in class) and rearranged them correctly. The teacher tried to give me a prize and I kept saying, "its no big deal, its no big deal."
- My first time I said a curse word, I was in third grade. I asked a girl what she had drawn on the bottom of her dinosaur picture and she whispered, "s***, but don't tell anyone!" A few minutes later, one of the guys in the class asked her what she had drawn on the bottom of her dinosaur picture and I blurted, "S***!"
- Senior year of high school I had dated guy A (and met his mom). We had a terrible break-up which left us not speaking. At senior night, a woman came up to me and said, "I haven't seen you in a while!" I stared at her and for the life of me could NOT place where she came from. Suddenly, I blurted, "OH you're B's mom!" She stared at me blankly as started to walk away in utter confusion when I heard one of my other friend's say, "Hello Mrs. A!" I could not scurry out of there fast enough.
- During a Sorority event in college I was wearing a jacket over my skirt. I had my back to my Sorority when I took off my jacket and suddenly I heard giggles. My big ran up to me and pulled out my skirt from where it was tucked into my underwear.

Haha, don't you love it? =D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahahha I remember the B and A thing. funnies.